
a finish

I've been going to Summer Stitch at Acorns and Threads on Saturdays and haven't posted much from them since it's been going mainly into the Mosaic page from My Stitching Album by Jeannette Douglas. It is done! And yes, this is 'soon' for me. Big cheers since I've heard this is the hurdle to overcome. I'm looking forward to starting the next page.

I did use the fibers called for in this page, just not in all the places they were called for. I changed the fourth medallion on the right hand side since I'm not a huge fan of pink. I also changed all the rows below "We can find..." Again, not a huge fan of pink.

I love the effect of this stitch, but it does take time. I'm so happy with the results.


  1. Fantastic job Nadia! It is beautiful, love the colors. You do nice work:) Cant wait to see the next page?!

  2. looks cool! I am really impressed! ;-)
